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Boost breeding success - tips for small ruminant producers

Boost breeding success - tips for small ruminant producers

By Blake Jackson

Breeding season is a critical period for small ruminant producers. Effective management during this time can significantly impact market opportunities and overall productivity.

Key considerations for successful breeding include:

  • Flushing: Increasing energy intake through flushing can improve ovulation rates and fertility. Start flushing four weeks before breeding and continue until two to four weeks into the breeding period. Ensure adequate vitamin E intake for optimal reproductive performance.
  • Body Condition: Maintain a body condition score of 2.5 to 3 for ewes and does. Underweight females may struggle to conceive and carry pregnancies, while overweight females can face delivery difficulties and lower conception rates.
  • Male Fertility: Conduct breeding soundness exams to evaluate semen quality and identify potential issues. Ensure males are in good body condition and monitor their behavior for any signs of problems.
  • Weather and Seasonality: Consider weather conditions and the seasonal breeding nature of small ruminants when planning your breeding season. Provide appropriate shelter and care to mitigate weather-related stress.
  • Synchronization: Use teaser males or hormonal treatments to synchronize estrous cycles, reducing the breeding window and improving management efficiency.
  • Heat Detection: Employ marking harnesses to track heat in goats and sheep, allowing for better identification of non-pregnant females and monitoring male performance.

By addressing these factors, you can optimize your breeding program, increase fertility rates, and ensure a successful lambing or kidding season.

Photo Credit: istock-heebyj

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Livestock, Goats & Sheep

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