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Pennsylvania crop progress report - week ending July 7, 2024

Pennsylvania crop progress report - week ending July 7, 2024

By Blake Jackson

As of the week ending July 7, 2024, agricultural activities in Pennsylvania were significantly impacted by weather conditions.

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, there were 6.5 days suitable for fieldwork, reflecting moderate conditions for farm operations.

Topsoil moisture levels varied, with 7 percent reported as very short, 35 percent short, 53 percent adequate, and 5 percent surplus.

Subsoil moisture was slightly better, with 2 percent very short, 19 percent short, and 79 percent adequate.

Crop progress showed notable advancements compared to previous weeks and years. Barley was 80 percent mature, with 75 percent harvested for grain, exceeding last year's figures.

Corn was at the silking stage, with an average height of 51 inches, indicating favorable growth conditions.

Alfalfa hay saw 45 percent of the second cutting completed, while other hay varieties progressed steadily in their first and second cuttings.

Soybeans emerged well at 95 percent, with 14 percent blooming, showing steady development. Winter wheat was mostly coloring (90 percent) and reaching maturity (51 percent), with 34 percent already harvested for grain, outpacing previous years.

These statistics highlight a productive period for Pennsylvania farmers, supported by suitable fieldwork days and generally adequate moisture levels conducive to crop growth and development.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-songdech17

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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