By Blake Jackson
Embarking on a farming journey involves navigating complex decisions, especially for beginners. Whether securing land or transitioning into an existing farm, the myriad legal and business considerations can be overwhelming. Penn State Extension, Penn State Law, Horizon Farm Credit, Pennsylvania Farm Link, and The Center for Dairy Excellence collaborate to offer an enlightening retreat for novice farmers.
Tailored for those with ten years or less in farm business, individuals entering family farm management, or aspiring farmers, this workshop covers vital aspects. Topics include locating farmland, efficient land and asset transfer, selecting suitable business structures, managing farm taxes, and preparing for retirement while establishing or sustaining a farm business.
Held at the Inn at Leola Village in Lancaster County, the Beginning Farmer Intensive: Land, Law, and Transition provides a comprehensive experience. The package includes Friday night lodging, breakfast, and Saturday lunch. It's an invaluable opportunity to step back from daily operations, engaging with educators sharing best practices for initiating or sustaining a profitable farm business.
This initiative, supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, underscores a commitment to fostering informed, successful farmers. Aspiring and novice farmers alike can benefit from this immersive retreat, gaining insights to navigate the intricacies of the agricultural landscape.
For further details and online registration, go to
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Categories: Pennsylvania, Business