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Boost fresh food access in Pennsylvania

Boost fresh food access in Pennsylvania

By Blake Jackson

The Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative is a government program designed to improve access to fresh, healthy food in underserved and low-income communities across the state.

By providing grant funding, the initiative aims to support the development and expansion of grocery stores, farmers' markets, and other food retail establishments.

Key Goals of the Initiative

  • Strengthen Local Food Systems: Enhance the local food economy by supporting farmers and food producers.
  • Increase Market Opportunities: Create new market opportunities for Pennsylvania farmers.
  • Improve Food Access: Expand access to fresh, healthy food in underserved areas.
  • Support Innovative Food Access Technologies: Encourage the adoption of innovative technologies to improve food access and affordability.

Eligible Applicants

The initiative is open to a variety of entities, including:

  • Food Enterprises: Businesses involved in the production, processing, and marketing of food products, such as farmers' markets, food hubs, and direct-to-consumer businesses.
  • Grocery Stores: Retail food establishments with a size range of 30,000 to 100,000 square feet.
  • Large or Regional Anchor Supermarkets: Retail food establishments with over 100,000 square feet and multiple locations.

The initiative prioritizes projects that:

  • Benefit underserved and low-income communities.
  • Support veteran-owned businesses.
  • Promote small and diverse businesses.
  • Utilize Pennsylvania Preferred products.
  • Have a well-developed business plan.

By providing financial support and encouraging innovation, the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative is making a significant impact on food access and community health in the state. For more information, visit the PA Fresh Food Financing Initiative.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-shotbydave

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Fruits and Vegetables

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