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Top harvest aids for corn and soybeans

Top harvest aids for corn and soybeans

By Blake Jackson

The timing of herbicide applications for weed control is crucial, especially for late-season weeds like marestail, Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, burcucumber, and others.

While many farmers are concerned about the effectiveness of late-season sprays, the answer depends on several factors, including the herbicide product, crop stage, and weed growth.

Harvest Aids for Corn and Soybeans

  • Corn: Aim 2EC, Defol 5L, Glyphosate, Gramoxone 3SL, Sharpen 2.85SC, 2,4-D LV4.
  • Soybeans: Aim 2EC, Clarity 4S, Defol 5L, Glyphosate, Gramoxone 3SL, Sharpen 2.85SC.

Important Considerations

  • Timing: Adhere to label instructions for application timing to avoid illegal herbicide residues.
  • Crop Damage: Be mindful of potential crop damage from sprayer wheel tracks, especially in late-season applications.
  • Weed Control: Late-applied herbicides may not be as effective as early applications due to weed size and growth stage.
  • Harvest Aids: Harvest aids are primarily used to desiccate green weed tissue and improve harvesting. They may not speed up crop maturity.
  • Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp: These weeds are difficult to control late in the season. Mowing down the field may be necessary to prevent seed production and spread.

Managing Problem Weeds

  • Cover Crops: Using thick cover crops like cereal rye can help control problem weeds like Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.
  • Herbicide Programs: Implement effective 2-pass (pre and post) residual herbicide programs in corn and soybeans.
  • Seed Control: Prevent weed seed production to eliminate the population over time.

By carefully considering these factors and following label instructions, farmers can effectively manage weeds and ensure a successful harvest.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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