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Pennsylvania invests $100M to support agriculture sector

Pennsylvania invests $100M to support agriculture sector

Pennsylvania's agriculture sector is a major economic driver, supporting more than 580,000 jobs statewide. The state's recent budget includes significant investments in agriculture, aimed at helping industry grow and thrive in the face of increasing challenges.

One of the key investments in the budget is $31 million to help poultry farmers impacted by the avian influenza crisis. This funding will help farmers pay for testing and get reimbursed for losses to their flocks. The budget also includes $3 million to help control invasive spotted lanternflies, and $2 million to fund the Fresh Food Financing Initiative, which will improve access to PA-grown, processed, and produced foods.

The budget includes a $2 million increase to the State Food Purchase Program, which provides emergency food assistance for low-income Pennsylvanians. This funding will help connect surplus food donated by farmers to food banks and food pantries statewide. The budget also includes $1 million to create a new Organic Center of Excellence, which will support organic farmers and businesses.

These investments are a major step forward for Pennsylvania's agriculture sector. They will help industry adapt to changing challenges and continue to provide jobs and food for Pennsylvanians.

Photo Credit: pexels-karolina-grabowska

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Business, Government & Policy

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