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Pennsylvania crop progress - week ending August 11, 2024

Pennsylvania crop progress - week ending August 11, 2024

By Blake Jackson

For the week ending August 11, 2024, Pennsylvania experienced 3.0 days suitable for fieldwork, as reported by the National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Topsoil moisture conditions were varied, with 4% classified as very short, 22% as short, 57% as adequate, and 17% as surplus. Subsoil moisture levels followed a similar pattern, with 4% very short, 24% short, 54% adequate, and 18% surplus.

In terms of crop progress, apple harvesting had reached 6%, a slight increase from the previous week's figure of less than 5%. Corn development showed significant progress, with 78% of the crops in the silking stage, up from 60% last week and consistent with the five-year average.

Corn in the dough stage was at 26%, a substantial rise from last week's 7% and in line with the five-year average.

Alfalfa hay cutting was also progressing well, with 95% of the second cutting completed, 39% of the third cutting, and 6% of the fourth cutting underway.

Other hay was 67% through the second cutting. Harvesting of oats for grain stood at 43%, while peaches were 47% harvested, reflecting good progress compared to last week.

Soybeans were 83% in the blooming stage, with 57% setting pods. The winter wheat harvest was nearing completion at 95%.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa, Government & Policy

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