A fugitive pig rampaging through a neighbourhood for several days has been captured in Pennsylvania. The farm animal, dubbed 'Hamilton' by local police, had been seen repeatedly by residents wandering around Hamilton Park in the Lancaster Township. Manhein Township Police dispatched police officers to a house on Elm Avenue after a homeowner called saying Hamilton had taken refuge under a trampoline in his yard on June 15. They also enlisted help from Lancaster Farm Sanctuary staff to catch the wantaway bovine. The officers tried to coax the pig into the back of a farm van using food scraps. But despite its massive size, Hamilton managed to evade capture, darting around their feet as it fled back to Hamilton Park. The Manhein Township Police said in a statement: 'A foot pursuit of the escaped swine ensued, and yes, we see the irony in three cops chasing a pig. As it turns out, Hamilton wasn't as tired as we thought because we're fairly certain he's the fastest pig alive. 'After nearly being struck by a passing Tesla on Atkins Ave, Hamilton made a break for the open parking lot along West St and into another fenced-in area...which happened to be the courtyard of Pediatric Specialty Care on Rider Ave.' Police continued the pursuit around the health centre's outdoor play area, and finally chased Hamilton into a crate after 20 minutes.
Photo Credit: istock-srdjan-stepic
Categories: Pennsylvania, General