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Butter - holiday baking secret weapon

Butter - holiday baking secret weapon

By Blake Jackson

In the hustle and bustle of Christmas cookie baking, one ingredient often goes unnoticed: butter. But this humble fat plays a starring role, transforming ordinary dough into melt-in-your-mouth masterpieces.

A Seasonal Surge and a Long-Term Trend:

Consumer demand for butter starts to simmer in the fall, preparing for the holiday baking frenzy. Dairy farmers and processors, however, must anticipate this surge months in advance, stockpiling butter during spring and summer.

"Butter is like the OG dairy product," says Chris Galen, director of the American Butter Institute. "The pendulum has swung back towards butter, with per capita demand exceeding margarine and vegetable spreads."

More Than Just Holiday Cheer:

This resurgence isn't solely driven by seasonal sweets. Recent studies suggest dairy consumption might lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and full-fat options like butter could even help manage blood pressure. Additionally, younger generations value natural, unprocessed ingredients, and butter fits the bill perfectly.

"Butter has a simple ingredient list, unlike its processed counterparts," explains Galen. "And when it comes to holiday cookies, there's no substitute for its rich flavor and moist texture."

Laura Merkel, a baking veteran and winner of Food Network's Christmas Cookie Challenge, uses butter exclusively. Throughout the holiday season, her Ephrata, Pennsylvania bakery whips up over 20,000 cookies, relying on butter's magic touch.

"Butter is flavor," Merkel declares. "Without it, my cookies wouldn't be the same."

Butter's Bright Spot in Pennsylvania's Dairy Industry:

Pennsylvania, the second-largest butter producer in the US, benefits greatly from this increased demand. Around 20% of the state's milk production goes towards butter, and high prices are good news for dairy farmers.

"Over 70% of our milk price is controlled by the butter market," explains Jayne Sebright, director of Pennsylvania's Center for Dairy Excellence. "So, a strong butter market is crucial for our industry."

While the holiday baking rush winds down, preparations for next year's season begin as early as spring. So, the next time you bite into a delicious holiday cookie, remember the unsung hero behind its magic: butter.


Photo Credit: pennsylvania- milk- marketing- board

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Business, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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