As communities observe Mental Health Awareness Month in May, Penn State Extension seeks to remind the public of available resources — such as webinars, fact sheets and classes — that focus on farm stress, mental health and strategies to deal with challenging times.
Extension educators point out that anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges have escalated over the past decade. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among those ages 10-34, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“Stigma and lack of acceptance not only affect those with mental health challenges but also leave long-lasting wounds in our society,” said Jacqueline Amor-Zitzelberger, food, families and health extension educator. “Raising awareness and promoting prevention can pave the way for a more compassionate and understanding community, ultimately saving lives and fostering a healthier future for all.”
Following are extension programs that can help residents address mental health concerns:
Mental health first aid
The “Mental Health First Aid” classes are aimed at reducing the stigma surrounding mental health challenges and increasing awareness through an evidence-based curriculum created by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. The training helps participants identify, understand and respond to early signs of mental health and substance use challenges. Participants can practice the skills needed to provide initial emotional support and practical assistance, as well as connect individuals with appropriate services.
Training options are tailored to meet the specific needs of different populations. Virtual training is available for adults and adults working with children and youth. There are in-person workshops for public safety personnel, fire and emergency medical services personnel, older adults, and veterans and their families. For more information about training options and costs, private groups can contact the mental health first aid team. Contact information is available on the course webpage.
Farm stress
Farming is a highly stressful and hazardous industry with numerous risks, such as unpredictable weather, machinery breakdowns, disease outbreaks, cost increases, and fluctuating milk and crop prices. These challenges can create significant stress for farmers and their families.
Available on request, a workshop called “Weathering the Storm” is designed to help farmers understand the signs and impact of stress on the body, the root causes of stress and practical coping skills. People interested in the course, which also includes information on helpful local and state resources, can contact a member of Extension’s farm stress team — listed on the workshop webpage — to schedule a webinar or in-person workshop in their community.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-ben-goode
Categories: Pennsylvania, General