According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Pennsylvania, there were 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday.
Topsoil moisture supplies were 3 percent short, 78 percent adequate, and 19 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were 82 percent adequate and 18 percent surplus.
Spring tillage was 75 percent complete, on par with last year.
Corn planted totaled 33 percent, behind last year's 48 percent but the same as the 5-year history.
Oats planted was 70 percent, with 38 percent emerged. The 5-year averages are 80 percent and 63 percent, respectively.
Soybeans planted was 10 percent, way behind last year's 37 percent and the 5-year average of 16 percent.
Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Soybeans