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Pennsylvania invests $10M in greener agriculture tech

Pennsylvania invests $10M in greener agriculture tech

By Blake Jackson

Governor Josh Shapiro's proposal for a $10 million Agriculture Innovation Program gained significant traction in the House Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee. This bipartisan effort aims to address environmental and agricultural challenges while strengthening Pennsylvania's $132.5 billion agricultural sector.

House Bill 2310 establishes the program, which will provide grants to farmers and agricultural businesses. These grants will support the implementation of new technologies and practices that improve farm profitability, efficiency, and sustainability.

"Innovation in agriculture means finding better ways to farm," explained Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding. "This program encourages the development and adoption of new ideas that can benefit both our environment and our economy."

The Agriculture Innovation Fund, if passed, will be managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Grants will be available for projects that utilize new technologies in farming, conservation, and renewable energy. Examples include technologies that:

  • Increase farm or processing efficiency
  • Generate energy while reducing waste
  • Support crops that capture carbon or replace non-renewable resources

This program complements ongoing efforts by the Shapiro Administration to boost agricultural research and conservation initiatives. These initiatives include an additional $1.5 million allocated for conservation research from the Clean Streams Fund's Nutrient Management Program.

The Clean Streams Fund, established with $220 million from the American Rescue Plan Act, also includes the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program.

By fostering innovation and sustainable practices, Pennsylvania is taking a step towards a greener and more prosperous agricultural future.

Photo Credit: istock-fotokostic

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Government & Policy

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