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Pennsylvania crop progress - week ending July 21, 2024

Pennsylvania crop progress - week ending July 21, 2024

By Blake Jackson

Pennsylvania farmers benefited from 6.5 days suitable for fieldwork last week. However, topsoil and subsoil moisture levels presented challenges, with 11% categorized as very short and 20-30% listed as short.

Corn development is behind the five-year average. Silking reached 34%, compared to the historical benchmark of 27% for this time. Average corn height is progressing steadily at 61 inches.

Hay producers made significant progress on the second cutting of alfalfa hay, with 70% complete. This surpasses both last week's figure (60%) and the five-year average (73%).

Oat harvest is underway at 14%, exceeding minimal levels seen in previous years. Peach harvest is also in progress, reaching 20% complete.

Soybean development shows promise, with blooming reaching 46%. However, pod setting remains low at 21% compared to the historical average.

Winter wheat maturity is at 85%, exceeding last year's progress (72%) and the five-year average (84%). Harvest is also well underway, with 57% complete.

While dry conditions pose a concern, Pennsylvania farmers have made progress on key crops like hay and winter wheat. Continued monitoring of moisture levels will be crucial for optimal growing conditions.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-frankoppermann

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa, Government & Policy

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