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Join hemp supply chain tour in PA

Join hemp supply chain tour in PA

By Blake Jackson

Join the hemp supply chain for an engaging two-day event focused on industrial hemp in Pennsylvania, set to showcase cutting-edge production and technology across four farms near Lancaster.

Sponsored in part by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, this event offers an invaluable opportunity to network with plant breeders, farmers, processors, and manufacturers in a casual, farm-based setting. With a focus on farming, food, fiber, and energy, attendees can explore diverse opportunities within the hemp industry.

The event kicks off on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, with three farm tours. From 9:00 to 11:30 AM, visit King's AgriSeeds research farm in Christiana, PA, where plot trials of 28 fiber, grain, and multipurpose hemp varieties some new to the U.S. will be featured.

Engage with genetics representatives from leading companies like Verve Seed Solutions and International Hemp, and gain insights from agronomists on best practices for cultivating a thriving hemp crop.

The day continues with a visit to the Landis Valley Farm Museum in Lancaster, from 12:00 to 4:00 PM. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Right Coast Hemp are sponsoring museum admission and lunch, including farm-to-table fare with vegetarian options.

Highlights include presentations by PA Hemp entrepreneurs, featuring insights into the industry's advancements in seed, food, fabric, and alternative energy.

Enjoy guided tours of historical homesteads and exhibitions of 18th and 19th-century agricultural technology. Hemp Historian Les Stark will also demonstrate hemp fiber decortication and discuss Lancaster County’s textile history.

The evening concludes with a Twilight Field Walk and Talk at Penn State's Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center in Manheim, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

This session will explore successful crop management strategies, biomass processing, and fabric manufacturing insights from experts including Penn State and Rutgers scientists.

For a comprehensive experience, please register for each day and allow about 20-25 minutes of drive time between farms. Enjoy dinner at various local restaurants in downtown Lancaster and nearby areas.

For more information visit

Photo Credit: gettyimages-jessicahyde

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Categories: Pennsylvania, General

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