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Fungicides key to crops - farmers urge EPA reconsider

Fungicides key to crops - farmers urge EPA reconsider

By Blake Jackson

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to cancel several fungicides crucial for crop protection. These fungicides include ziram, thiram, and ferbam. Farmers are encouraged to voice their opposition to this proposal by submitting comments to the EPA before July 1, 2024.

The EPA's plan would eliminate all uses of ziram and restrict thiram and ferbam for specific crops. This would significantly limit the options available to farmers for managing fungal diseases, which can devastate crops every growing season.

Losing these broad-spectrum fungicides would be particularly concerning because they play a vital role in preventing fungicide resistance. With fewer options available, fungi are more likely to develop resistance to the remaining fungicides, rendering them ineffective.

Farmers are urged to submit comments the EPA highlighting the importance of these fungicides. When writing comments, farmers should emphasize the economic impact of crop losses due to fungal diseases and the importance of these fungicides in managing resistance.

Researchers can strengthen their comments by including data from field trials supporting the fungicides' effectiveness.

By working together, farmers and researchers can ensure the EPA has a clear understanding of the importance of these fungicides before making a final decision.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-nes

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops

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