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Dairy industry leader in the making: Ashton Stiles

Dairy industry leader in the making: Ashton Stiles

Ashton Stiles, a senior at Penn State, has a deep-rooted passion for the dairy industry, having grown up on a 1,000-acre dairy farm in Pennsylvania. Initially pursuing a major in animal science with dreams of becoming a veterinarian, Stiles shifted her focus to the business aspect as she found additional schooling to be daunting.

Stiles has always been drawn to dairy cattle, particularly Guernsey cows, and has been actively involved in organizations like 4-H, Pennsylvania Junior Guernsey Breeders, and Penn State's Dairy Science Club. As the president of the Dairy Science Club, she strives to help others discover their niche within the dairy industry at Penn State.

With graduation approaching in May, Stiles faces the critical decision of her next career move. Her options include returning to her family's dairy farm, Stiles Farms LLC, or pursuing a career in the industry, such as agricultural sales or becoming an Extension agent.

During a summer internship with GENEX, where she sold dairy cattle nutrition supplements, Stiles gained valuable insights into the industry. Though initially apprehensive about sales, she developed a fondness for it as she built relationships with clients and learned about different farm operations.

On the other hand, Stiles also contemplates returning home to her family's farm, where they maintain an 80-head milking herd, primarily Holsteins with some Guernseys. She aspires to introduce practices learned from other farms, drawing from her 2022 internship at Maple Bottom Farm, known for its Guernsey herd and robotic milking system.

Stiles is eager to embrace innovation, possibly replacing her parents' traditional milking parlor with robotic milking technology.

While her heart lies in dairy, Stiles also has an appreciation for beef production, particularly after taking a beef production class at Penn State. She values the diverse perspectives she has gained within the agriculture industry.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Stiles plays an active role in Penn State's Dairy Science Club and is involved in coordinating the Junior Dairy Show in conjunction with the All-American Dairy Show.


Photo Credit: gettyimages-vwalakte

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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