Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding invited applications for $4.8 million in federally funded grants to purchase equipment needed to strengthen the middle of the food supply chain – between the farm field and the consumer’s table. Funds are part of $26 million awarded to Pennsylvania through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure program, which aims to boost capacity to meet food supply needs in grocers, restaurants, and institutions like schools, hospitals, and universities.
“A strong local supply chain keeps more dollars in the pockets of our farm businesses, growing their bottom lines, and feeding the economy in communities across Pennsylvania,” Secretary Redding said.
Pennsylvania leads the nation in sales direct to consumers from the farm, which represent a small portion of the consumer food supply. In most cases, products are processed, packaged, or combined with those from multiple farms to supply the volume and variety needed by retail and wholesale locations where consumers buy their food.
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Categories: Pennsylvania, Education, Equipment & Machinery