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Pennsylvania crop progress report August 2024

Pennsylvania crop progress report August 2024

By Blake Jackson

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Pennsylvania, there were 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, August 4, 2024.

Topsoil moisture supplies were categorized as 12 percent very short, 17 percent short, 71 percent adequate, and 0 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were recorded at 13 percent very short, 22 percent short, 65 percent adequate, and 0 percent surplus.

Here's a detailed look at the crop progress as of August 4, 2024:


  • Silking: 60 percent this week, compared to 47 percent last week, 58 percent last year, and a 5-year average of 66 percent.
  • Dough: 7 percent this week, less than 5 percent last week and last year, with a 5-year average of 11 percent.
  • Average Height: 75 inches this week, 74 inches last week, 82 inches last year.

Hay, Alfalfa:

  • Second Cutting: 90 percent this week, 80 percent last week, 75 percent last year, and a 5-year average of 83 percent.
  • Third Cutting: 32 percent this week, 19 percent last week, 25 percent last year.

Hay, Other:

  • Second Cutting: 62 percent this week, 52 percent last week, 57 percent last year, and matching the 5-year average of 62 percent.


  • Harvested for Grain: 29 percent this week, 18 percent last week, 39 percent last year, and a 5-year average of 33 percent.


  • Harvested: 40 percent this week, 30 percent last week, less than 5 percent last year.


  • Blooming: 70 percent this week, 61 percent last week and last year.
  • Setting Pods: 47 percent this week, 39 percent last week, 31 percent last year.

Winter Wheat:

  • Harvested for Grain: 85 percent this week, 70 percent last week, 71 percent last year.

The crop progress indicates significant development across various crops despite varying moisture levels. Farmers continue to monitor and manage their fields effectively to ensure a good harvest.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-dszc

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Categories: Pennsylvania, Crops, Government & Policy

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