By Blake Jackson
Every year, the Pennsylvania Friend of the Fair Award is presented to individuals and organizations that have made remarkable contributions to the success and sustainability of county and local fairs across the commonwealth. These fairs, grown from a rich heritage that dates back hundreds of years, are a celebration of agriculture, craftsmanship, and local culture.
This year's recipients include:
• Dan McLaughlin, Hookstown Fair: Dan is a champion in his community every day of the year, not just during the fair. He runs a horse farm, serves as a 4-H leader and mentor, and is currently vice president of the Hookstown Fair. Dan works to ensure children of all backgrounds have access to farmland and animals on his own farm to help fulfill their dreams and instill an interest in agriculture in the next generation.
• Bedford Rural Electric Cooperative, Bedford County Fair: This business, its employees, customers, and families are actively involved in the fair and invest in youth activities and facility improvement projects, ensuring the fair can serve communities for years to come.
• Donna Hott, Washington County Fair: Donna has been involved with the Washington County Fair for over 50 years, showing horses and volunteering at the fair and with 4-H. She is a reminder that fairs are a collective effort, and it takes the dedication and collaboration of countless individuals to create memorable experiences for attendees.
• Shirley McIntire, Great Stoneboro Fair: Shirley has been a part of the Great Stoneboro Fair community for decades, serving on the fair board and representing the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. Her incredible spirit inspires others to get involved in preserving these cherished traditions.
The Friend of the Fair Award is a celebration of the values that make Pennsylvania's fairs so special. These events are a celebration of the state's agricultural roots and a way to preserve this rich heritage for future generations. The individuals and organizations that receive this award are stewards of tradition and culture, and they ensure that Pennsylvania's fairs continue to thrive, passing down the legacy of these events to those who will come after us.
Photo Credit: istock-fotokostic
Categories: Pennsylvania, Rural Lifestyle